Part 153: Episode CXLVII: Revealing
Episode CXLVII: Revealing.jpg)

Our third and final alternate costume goes to 2B and it is, of course, Kainés outfit from the original NieR.
I feel like Yoko Taro saw a certain grumbling on the internet from prudes grumbling about seeing 2Bs butt and went look at this bitch made fuckboi that didnt play my previous game resulting in this costume assignment. But thats not all for rewards. The receptionist has a special bonus for us...

The previously barred back room of the Gamblers Colosseum is now open to our androids. This part seems to have a bit of a different layout than the similar Underground Colosseum of the Forest Zone Battle Bots. Lets have a closer look.

Music: Broken Heart (Vocal)

And with the pleasant revelation of the back room torture prison, that concludes the Gamblers Colosseum sidequest. Pod 042 has some closing remarks for us.

Theres another special bit of equipment to be found in this torture dungeon: Emil Bullets.
This is a cosmetic piece of equipment that transforms all energy orbs into Emil heads. Thats it. Sure, why not? Beyond that, there is one more conversation to be had in the Machine Waterboarding quarters or whatever is going on in here.

Youre the boss, sparky. Some rando machine lifeform begging for a mercy kill barely registers at this point on the morality decision scale.
Now that weve tackled the S Rank match and defeated the colosseum champion, all the NPCs dialogue have updated with new chatter. So lets take a victory lap to see what everyone has to say.

I bought the new Monster Hunter World like a week ago and Ive gotten like three free hours to actually play it.


Someone else is going to have to dredge up your corpse and deal with the tragic circumstances to your demise later. Weve got two sidequests left and damned if were getting any more before the end.

You dont need to provide more evidence the nebulous android Command are kind of huge asshole. YoRHa is well appraised of that fact. Well, at least Future 9S is... Right, Nines?
As early mentioned, that one gambler betting big has now vanished following 2Bs victory in the S Rank match. Shouldnt have bet against the best. Have fun getting your legs broken by YoRHa loan sharks or however that works. But for now, lets head back to the stands.

Well at least someone is having


Perhaps the answer is somewhere in the middle. Or both sides are assholes? Im just saying I havent seen a machine lifeform torture dungeon for androids. At most theyve made belts out of their flayed corpses and the last time that happened was ages ago.
I warned you about the yelling, bro. I told you, dawg...
I new NPC has appeared in the top right corner of the stands the Resistance Secretary. She gives us the option to fight an unknown opponent.
Unfortunately, we do not have an appointment to participate in such a battle. Perhaps well come back here when the rest of the DLC is completed. Oh yes, theres more to go. For instance, we have the obligatory incredible bullshit special rank match of the arena. And this one blows the other two right out of the water.

The Special Rank Match has a Level 99 recommendation. Yeah... Thats one way to put it. Lets take a quick look...

Music: Grandma (Destruction)
So you know how Level 99 is the level cap? Yeah... Fuck that noise, says this Special Rank match. Were gonna throw hundreds of enemies at you that break the level cap. By a minimum of 31 Levels! Meaning you could do this match on Easy at Level 99 with every health and damage resistant Plug-in chip on the planet equipped and absolutely everything will still one-shot our androids while they barely do any damage. Theres a reason theres an hour long time limit as opposed to the 20 minute ones the previous two special fights had.
Im sure some insane person has beaten this Special Match legitimately. I am not that person. As this is not just a four round wave of extremely hard enemies. Oh no. Its twenty wave trial against nothing but Level 130+ Enhanced Model versions of enemies with zero breaks or checkpoints.
With a special boss fight every fifth wave against Unknown bosses. Well what does that mean, you ask?
Why Shade/Gestalt versions of previous bosses, of course? Yeah, they snuck some Shades in the basically impossible special rank match. Theres nothing special about them other than being ridiculously strong and having the same coloring as Shades from the original NieR. The fifth round drops off a Shade Tank.
The tenth round offers up a Shade Simone who can summon Enhanced Goliath Bipeds to help out during battle.
Round fifteen has a Shade ...SomethingorOther-Shi. I could barely keep those things straight when they werent black and gold spectral versions.
The final twentieth round of this special arena where literally everything will one shot you has a special match against a Shade version of both Adam and Eve at the same time. Now see, that seems like itd be a cool match. We never got to do something like that in the base game. Too bad its hidden behind a wall of impossible madness.

Music: Gambling Colosseum
A couple rewards are given if you use Debug mode to actually complete this thing because bull-fucking-shit you did it legit. The first reward is the same hair dye colors weve already received, just with the saturation turned up to maximum. OK... Anything better...? Thats not really doing it.
Oh! Of course! Special fruit that will de-level your characters by 10 Levels. I... Excuse me...!? Why would you...? But that... I...
You know what? Im fucking out! Im done with this DLC. The entire Flooded City can sink to the ocean floor for all I care.
Music: ENDS
To consider someone a friend... Is to consider someone else your enemy.
Perhaps this is what is meant by the emotion called discrimination.
An emotion that seems to consume me as I speak...

Music: Rays of Light
Wait, what? No. Were done with the DLC. We did the three combat arenas. Now we can go do the last couple of sidequests and then finally finish the LP. What are you even doing to me now, Pod?
Tch. FINE! Theres an Access Point just on the other side of the Flooded City. Maybe its just another dumb Council of Humanity notification. We are back in Route A right now.

So begins the actual final part of the DLC the Mysterious Invitation.
Fine... Well go see what this all is about. After we change 2B back to something more respectable. Kainé you were a great character and all... but you dressed like a goddamn embarrassing idiot.

Music: Amusement Park (Vocal)
One final trek to the Amusement Park zone. Now hearing it is beneath the Amusement Park, if you thought they meant that elevator down to the former Umbrella Labs and the Game Programmers lair over in the castle basement. But youd be mistaken.
Actually, a new path has opened up just off the main street with an unearthed elevator being attended by a lone machine lifeform.
The game requests we save before entering. Due to reasons... Thats not... ominous or anything. You guys like actually tested this DLC before shipping it right? I have my doubts after seeing that last Special Rank match...
Id really liked to have made a save on a different slot. But whatever... Lets do this thing.
This isnt ominous at all... No sir... Just a giant eerily lit scrap pile. Weve seen plenty of those.
...And another creepy array of static filled CRT TVs and antennas piled into a tower. Well, tune in next time fo

Video: Episode 147 Highlight Reel

2B Kainé Costume Render I like to think shes rolling her eyes extremely hard beneath that mask.

Kainé Artwork My back hurts just looking at this pose.